
Honey and Ham's Bed and Breakfast by Chaser's Designs BnS w7

Honey and Ham Biscuit are entering there twilight years and requested a conversion of the Spencter place in Riverview into a Bed and Breakfast. the home now has 4 bedrooms with ensuites, half bathroom downstairs, large kitchen, drawing, sitting and kids room for the guests and a garden that has been trasformed into an oasis of calm. note that the exterior pretty much is the same as original house apart from cosmetic changes. this is NOT a new build. enjoy this remodel for the BnS wk 7 challenge.
created by peacemaker_ic
Honey and Ham Biscuit are entering there twilight years and requested a conversion of the Spencter place in Riverview into a Bed and Breakfast. the home now has 4 bedrooms with ensuites, half bathroom downstairs, large kitchen, drawing, sitting and kids room for the guests and a garden that has been trasformed into an oasis of calm. note that the exterior pretty much is the same as original house apart from cosmetic changes. this is NOT a new build. enjoy this remodel for the BnS wk 7 challenge.
  • 17/07/09
  • 5406
  • 165
  • EN
  • Residential
  • 0
  • 40 x 30

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peacemaker_ic Visit My Studio Member SinceMay 31, 2009 Total Creations 196 Total Recommendations 11,329 Location AU
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