Hillcrest Cove

Hillcrest Cove is a place that brings together many different types of people from rural farmers to city socialites in a setting that is both functional and awe inspiring. Whether you settle in Jelly Palm Bay, Central district or Westpoint Valley, you can enjoy the entire town and what it has to offer. With amentities for all from the Lusty Georgian maid tavern to the ominious Dragon's lair, you wont be bored here. Hillcrest Cove has been a project town for many years and is finally complete, so I hope you all come to visit this special town and what it has to offer. Created By Peacemaker ic. To view maps and other information visit: http://simsationaldesigns.blogspot.com/2013/09/hillcrest-cove-world-that-is-finally.html
created by peacemaker_ic
Hillcrest Cove is a place that brings together many different types of people from rural farmers to city socialites in a setting that is both functional and awe inspiring. Whether you settle in Jelly Palm Bay, Central district or Westpoint Valley, you can enjoy the entire town and what it has to offer. With amentities for all from the Lusty Georgian maid tavern to the ominious Dragon's lair, you wont be bored here. Hillcrest Cove has been a project town for many years and is finally complete, so I hope you all come to visit this special town and what it has to offer. Created By Peacemaker ic. To view maps and other information visit: http://simsationaldesigns.blogspot.com/2013/09/hillcrest-cove-world-that-is-finally.html
  • 28/09/13
  • 6955
  • 163
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  • Hillcrest Cove
  • 2048x2048
  • 53
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peacemaker_ic Visit My Studio Member SinceMay 31, 2009 Total Creations 196 Total Recommendations 11,329 Location AU
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